St Peter’s Hall is the training centre of the Anglican Diocese, serving not just the seminarian community, but the entire Diocese’s training needs. The scope of SPH’s ministry is vast, because it includes all 27 parishes in Singapore, the related school and community service entities, and the churches and outreach efforts spread across 6 Deanery countries in our region.

SPH seeks to operate in the space between the seminary and the parish, as a bridge between the two. In the training that we offer, SPH is mindful not to duplicate what is already well taught in these two spheres. SPH therefore endeavours to identify gaps in the spectrum of training already available in the seminaries and the parishes, and plug them.


All our training content is grouped under 6 Schools, which function like “faculties” in that they define an area of training. The formation of Schools within SPH is intended to give focus to the subject areas that SPH will offer most of its training in.


Each School will cater to the training of both lay members and in-service staff in the Diocese. For each of these demographic groups, 3 levels of instruction are envisaged. 

IN-SERVICE600Vicar/Senior Clergy
IN-SERVICE400Parish Pastoral/Admin Staff
LAY300PCC Members, Lay Readers
LAY200Cell Leaders
LAY100General Members
-Levels 100 to 300 are for Lay Training, which refers to training for anyone who is a member of the Diocese but not in a paid staff role.
-Levels 400 to 600 are for In-Service Training, which refers to training for anyone who is a paid staff of any of the entities within our Diocese.